Shaping Purpose Adult Edition
Facilitated, Virtual Course
Life in Sight is a 4 day facilitator-led course based on the proven system called Shaping Purpose® and the Purpose Map™.
Find your Purpose. Live your Passion.
Facilitated, Virtual Course
The Life in Sight facilitated, virtual course helps you create the mindset, beliefs, and conditions to make the changes in your life that you want, but haven’t been able to do on your own, so that you can say “Wow, I’m really enjoying my life now!”
Facilitated, Virtual 4-Day Course Outline – $1,295
We will call you to say hello, and to ensure that you received the journal binder material and your computer links are working property.
Materials Required
- Shaping Purpose Binder – Shipped to your door
- PC or Laptop with webcam / Wi-Fi
- Pen, Pencil, and Marker(s)
- Scrap note paper
Course Agenda – Facilitated in AST (Atlantic Standard Time)
Four consecutive days.
Day 1
An overview of the concepts followed by completing a Lifeline. The Lifeline consists of plotting chronologically all the positive and negative events in your life.Day 2
Self-Discovery, including identification of core gifts, passions and values.
Day 3
Well-Being Model, including additional personal planning and in-depth discussion of individual needs and values, covering the topics of Prosperity – Financial/Employment and Geographical, Health – Medical and Biological, Happiness – Psychological and Social.Day 4
Life Plan creation, this takes everything that has been learned during the session and helps you to plan your way forward using SMART goals. The Life Plan enables you to stay on track in the months and years to come as you move towards your ideal life.Your Name Here!
A Certificate of Completion is mailed out to you after completing the course.Follow-up & Mentoring Sessions
We conduct a follow-up session two weeks after the end of the course to keep you on track and accountable.
A second follow-up session is booked following the first follow-up.
A third or further follow-up sessions are booked as needed.
The Shaping Purpose team is always available by phone or email.
The Way Forward
If you are interested, use the form below. Once we have enough participants we will schedule the course.