Shaping Purpose for Veterans

Come out with a life plan unique for you.

The course helps you find your new identity and purpose after the military, it pulls out your Gifts, Passions and Values and helps you create a plan for your next steps.

Your course fees may be covered through Blue Cross Insurance.

Click to complete a questionnaire to confirm availability and coverage.

Are you a Case Manager? Please see our Case Managers Resources Page.

Upcoming Courses

January and February courses
There are no upcoming events.

We know it works.

This is the proven system to unlock your hidden purpose.

Proven by veterans like you, and a 20-month, independent study. Click to read the study or scan the QR code.

(Don’t believe it? Good. We don’t expect you to. Yet.)
Read on.

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Military to Civilian Skills Resources

Civilian to Military course brochure

The Course for Transitioning Veterans

Click to view the course brochure (PDF).

Military to Civilian Skills Guide

Military to Civilian Skills Guide

A 34-page guide to help you showcase your skills (PDF).

Did You Know?

Shaping Purpose is a recognized, registered Medavie Blue Cross Service Provider.

Medavie Blue Cross

Counselling Therapy

VIP Adult Day Program

Proven Tools and System

Crafted to help you save a lifetime of guesswork and agonizing mistakes.



At Shaping Purpose, we know that a successful transition to the civilian world is more than simply finding employment.A critical part of the transition to civilian life is defining your new identity and purpose outside of the military.

Whether you were a Flight Engineer, Infanteer, Clearance Diver or Engineer or other trade that may have been how you identified yourself but without knowing exactly what aspects of that life truly gave you fulfillment, it’s extremely difficult to find happiness and fulfillment in the next stage of your life.

There were gifts/skills innate to you that you used in that profession to excel.  There may have been aspects of that life that fed some of your passions without you realizing or there may have been aspects of that life that matched up (or didn’t) with your personal values.  These are all key items to know if you’re transitioning to the civilian world.  Without having this knowledge about yourself it can feel impossible to move forward in life.

Shaping Purpose is a program that helps identify core gifts, passions and values, which will help CAF members find the clarity they need to plan through their transition to civilian life.

Two soldiers
Zac Durant unsplash

Military personnel can find themselves questioning their experience, transference of skills.  By employing a highly interactive and engaging program, Shaping Purpose enables individuals to identify their gifts (skills applicable to the civilian world), passions (interests most crucial to their mental well-being) and their values (personal code of honour).  A Well-Being model is also incorporated into the program.  This includes the core areas of prosperity, health and happiness. The program culminates with the creation of a Life Plan which allows individuals to identify opportunities that are aligned with their gifts, passions and values, thereby allowing them to live a more fulfilling life.

Andrew Garsch – Graduate / Facilitator
Owen Parkhouse Article

We are thrilled to be featured in this article by Veterans Affairs Canada.


Live your life with clarity in the format that fits your needs.

The Shaping Purpose program comes in a variety of formats to best suit you.

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Facilitated, Virtual Course

When, and only when you are ready. Hands-on challenges that expand on the Bootcamp to take you beyond knowing and on to the tough job of doing. Actually planning out your next steps, and your life.

Youth Classroom format

Class or Group Course

When you need to get away, lock yourself down in a comfortable place with supportive staff and printed materials.

Call for Veterans and Veteran’s Family & Friends,

We can really use your help!  We are conducting a study on behalf of Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) to showcase the before and after effects of our course on the post-military family unit, the course is called Shaping Purpose Veterans Edition.

We are inviting releasing veterans and/or someone close to the veteran.  If the veteran is uncomfortable in a course setting, then you can be represented by them in the course.  You do not have to take the course together.

Shaping Purpose is a course full of tools to help you and your family plan the life of your dreams post military.  The course is conducted virtually in a group setting over 4 afternoons.

The course is funded for a limited amount of people, so please hurry if you are interested in taking the course.  Applications are on a first come first serve basis.

We are currently accepting applications for the Shaping Purpose Veterans Edition facilitated, virtual course.

Click below for course dates and the application form.

What Veterans Have to Say About Shaping Purpose

Shaping Purpose has been tested and researched with Veterans just like you.

Here are their comments.

They were all very positive and provided a lot of suggestions/guidance to improve quality of life.

The facilitators were very positive and provided a lot of guidance to avert dysfunction or at least minimize dysfunction in somebody's life.

The positive attitudes of the instructors!

The presenters are obviously passionate about the material and invested in us.

Facilitators are knowledgeable about CAF release process. Their own experiences validated your fears and stresses not to feel alone.
Appreciated real life examples by coordinators
Personal connection that AG establishes with participants through his own experience
Great facilitators, helps a fellow veteran was involved.
Again, they were all great, it helps that there was a former CAF member there to legitimize experiences.
I loved that the facilitator has a military background and knows exactly what we are going through. He can relate to each of us and understands what we require
Someone speaking from experience not just education
Having a vet who has gone through transition facilitate the course.
They understood the inner turmoil of being medically released from the CAF.
The instructors. So encouraging and able to relate to the participants, adding significant value.

It was good to see my interests, talents, and realize what is important to me.
Putting my goals, aspirations, etc in perspective and how easy it is to reach them.
Exploring interests, passions, goals.
The exercises to help define my goals, values and passions.
Discovering my values strengths and abilities.
Increased awareness of my own gifts, passions, values.

I really liked Andrew's beginning statement of no matter how long you served everyone's journey is important and relevant. His clarification of “no ranks” made me more comfortable as well. I enjoyed having it virtually as I felt more comfortable being in a familiar environment and this more inclined to share (also less intimidated).

Sean – Graduate May 2020

I had no expectations and therefore was very happy as the program did two things for me in my situation; (1) provides reassurance that the choices my family and I have made are in line with my goals passions and values; and (2) forced me to take a rear view check and identify both good and bad events and decisions. This is something I do not do often or well and recognize clearly that my history contributed to who I am now. Thank you to the entire team.

Marston – Graduate May 2020

I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed being a part of this course. I have learned so much about myself. I can't thank you enough. I feel that it was well presented and well received. I have a Life Plan now and I am going to use it 🙂

Cassandra – Graduate May 2020

What the Research Says
After 20 months of studying our course, and interviewing participants before, and after, with a 6-month follow-up, the study gave us feedback on what Veterans are going through and whether our course was effective or not.

The Result?

It works.

“Its helped me think about, fight out, who I am, and that the military isn’t the only thing that makes me who I am. Knowing that, there are things that I’m going to be doing in the future, and that I’m excited for the future.”

Study Authors

Duncan M. Shields, PhD, Adjunct Professor, UBC Faculty of Medicine.
Jesse Frender, MA, Independent Research Consultant.
David Kuhl, MD, PhD, Professor, UBC Faculty of Medicine.

“…produces outcomes desired by participants that appear to be durable over time.”

The Way Forward

Identifying gifts, passions and values and creating a Life Plan can provide Veterans the framework to make conscious choices, and live your best life.

Click to Register using the button below or use the contact form at the bottom to find out more about the Shaping Purpose for Veterans Course.

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